#=1)Removes the Browse button from the Scheduled Task wizard and from the Task tab of the properties dialog box for a task. Also, users cannot edit the Run box that determine the program and path for a task.
#=\n\n2)Removes the 'Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish' checkbox from the last page of the Scheduled Task wizard. As a result, users cannot view or change the properties of newly created tasks. This setting does not prevent users from changing the properties of an existing task.
#=\n\n3)Disables the Cut, Copy, and Paste shortcut items on the context menu and on the Edit menu in Scheduled Tasks. It also disables the drag-and-drop features of the Scheduled Tasks folder.
#=\n\n4)Removes the Run and End Task items from the context menu that appears when a user right-clicks a task in Scheduled Tasks. As a result, a user cannot start tasks manually or force tasks to end.
#=\n\n5)Removes the Properties item from the File menu in Scheduled Tasks and from the context menu that appears when a user right-clicks a task. As a result, a user cannot view or change the properties of an existing task. This setting only applies to existing tasks, users may still specify advanced properties on new tasks.
#=\n\n6)Prevents users from creating new tasks in Scheduled Tasks. This does not prevent administrators from using the AT.EXE program to create new tasks.
#=\n\n7)Prevents users from deleting tasks in Scheduled Tasks.